This is a developer cell that contains several random encounter NPCs (who will begin fighting each other if the previous step was not followed.) If Gene is dead then he should not be in this cell if he is, then he is still alive and these steps can be ignored. This will disable the game's combat AI to ensure that NPCs encountered as a result of the next listed step will not enter combat. Open up the console and type in the command tcai.Here is a method to add Gene back to the random encounter pool if he has died (PC only): The console cannot be used to spawn Gene due to his unique state in the game. At any settlement use placeatme 00176337 1 to spawn a random junkyard dog and then use the workshop to send it to a settlement. If Gene is dead, or is otherwise unaccountably missing, junkyard dogs can only be spawned in via the console.Gene has a unique dialogue if the Sole Survivor is using Dogmeat as a companion.However, their inventories are inaccessible without the use of console commands. However, these dogs can loot dead enemy attackers and auto-equip dog-related gear such as wraparound goggles, bandanas, dog chains, etc. Gene's dogs can not be equipped with clothing items like Dogmeat can.If the grave is to the west, he'll routinely spawn immediately north of the grave, slowly walking eastward. Often spawns outside Abernathy farm during the day time, near the grave behind the farm.Southeast of USAF Satellite Station Olivia.

At Abernathy farm, wandering to and from Concord.Between Somerville Place and Suffolk County Charter School, sometimes walking across or through the tracks.West side of Fairline Hill Estates on the road.Southwest of County crossing near bridge.East of Starlight Drive In, near/under the red train bridge.In front of Collegiate administration building, near the local Red Rocket.